We’ve always known it’s true, but we are excited to be able to share it: the DDRC’s got talent! This month, we were approached by two separate individuals, each with a passion for writing and a story to share. So without further ado, we introduce to you: The Writer’s Corner.

Readers might remember PACE client Kaleigh Mirosch from the last time she was featured in our enewsletter, or from the cover of the Spring 2013 issue of Connection magazine. The food connoisseur shared her latest review with us: Starbucks in Britannia.

Julie Picoc joined the DDRC’s Comprehensive Care team in 2013, and became a Community Resource Worker with the Central Team in September of 2014. Before coming to the DDRC, she worked as a teacher and a nanny in both the Philippines and Hong Kong.
She has been in Calgary for seven years, and insists that she even likes our Alberta winters! The hardest thing for Julie is being away from her family, but she is motivated to stay by a desire to provide for her children.
Julie has been writing poetry since high school, but has had a hard time dedicating time to her art while working full-time. She is making it a priority to spend more time writing again. She says that her work is inspired by everyday life, sharing that “since I am away from my family, I love to write about life.”
What then could be a more appropriate title for the poem that she has chosen to share with us? Click here to read Julie’s poem, “Life.”
The content of these submission do not reflect the views of the DDRC.