It’s that time of the year again … time to recognize the wonderful people in your networks who are working to make Calgary a more inclusive city! And what better way to do that then by nominating them for a beautiful, shiny trophy?

Established in 1996, the Inclusion Awards (formerly the Awards of Distinction) celebrate the contributions of individuals, organizations and businesses that go above and beyond in promoting the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in the community in real and meaningful ways. The Awards continue to grow in size and prestige every year. Last year’s event at the Glenmore Inn saw almost 400 guests come together to celebrate inclusive communities.
Click here to download a nomination form in PDF format.
Nominations will be open from April 15 until July 15. For more information, visit the DDRC website.
Sponsorship opportunities are available! Click here to download our sponsorship package or contact Austin Clem by e-mail [email protected], or by phone at 403-240-7314, for more information.