Nominations are Open!

Do you know someone who strives to create an environment of inclusion? Maybe he or she a teacher pushing for more inclusive classrooms, a business owner who prioritizes diversity when hiring. No matter who they are, any Calgary resident can be nominated for an Inclusion Award!

Since 1996, the DDRC has been recognizing individuals for the contributions they make to create a more inclusive city. The awards are presented at a gala event in September, where the contributions of these outstanding Calgarians are celebrated. With so many people deserving of this recognition, chances are good that someone in your life would be a perfect candidate for nomination!

Nominations are being accepted from now until July 15th for any one of our 14 categories*:

  • Community: Inclusive Education Award
  • Community: Inclusive Employer Award
  • Community: Inclusive Community Award
  • Community: Corporate Spirit Award
  • Community: Volunteer Spirit Award
  • Community: Good Neighbour Award
  • Community: Special Achievement Award
  • People with Developmental Disabilities: Award of Excellence — Arts and Culture
  • People with Developmental Disabilities: Award of Excellence –Career and Community
  • People with Developmental Disabilities: Outstanding Self-Advocate Award
  • DDRC Employee: Leadership Award
  • DDRC Employee:Team Spirit Award
  • DDRC Employee:Agency Spirit Award
  • DDRC Employee:everyone belongs™ Award

*additional information on each category can be found on the nomination forms.

To view a list of all previous winners, click here.

Nomination forms are available here.

The nomination form is quick and easy, and can be submitted via e-mail or sent to the main office:

Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre of Calgary
ATTN: Caitlin Brown
4631 Richardson Way SW
Calgary, AB
T3E 3R9

Check out some of the photos from last year’s event!


Volunteers Needed!

Are you looking for a way to give back to the community? There is no more rewarding way to lend a hand than by volunteering for an organization that you are passionate about. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of our volunteers to continue being able to provide top-quality programs and services to our clients, and we are currently looking for volunteers for a number of upcoming events:

July 10 (8:00-11:00 am): It’s our annual Stampede Breakfast! We need people to prepare and serve pancakes and sausages, as well as to greet our hungry breakfasters!

August 29 – 31 (10:00 am – 6:00 pm): The DDRC will be running a consession stand at the 2014 Shaw Charity Classic at Canyon Meadows Golf and Country Club. We need volunteers to prepare and serve hot dogs, sandwiches, and drinks.

September 25 (6:00 – 9:00 pm): Volunteers are needed for a variety of small roles at the 19th annual Inclusion Awards!

November 21 – 22: It’s casino time! Come lend a hand at one of our biggest fundraising events of the year!

For more information, or to sign up, contact the DDRC’s Volunteer and Development Coordinator Austin Clem.


Two of our great volunteers at the Vipond Charity Golf Classic with Volunteer and Development Coordinator Austin Clem (far right).

Here’s to Your Health!

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it can also be the coldest and the iciest, which for many leads to a temptation to stay indoors by the fire with a large mug of hot chocolate. Now, there’s nothing wrong with a mug of hot chocolate every now and then, but it can be all too easy to put healthy decision making on hold during these cold winter months.

This February, the DDRC’s Events and Party Planning Committee (EPPiC) decided to shine the spotlight on healthy choices with an organization-wide Heart Health Month. On top of sharing weekly recipes that focus on the four food groups and weekly exercise tips and tricks, a large hand-crafted tree was mounted on a main wall in the office building to share healthy success stories. Each time a DDRC client or employee made a healthy choice, they were invited to write it down on a coloured heart, and attach it to a tree branch. What began as a brown, lifeless tree, has bloomed into a celebration of eating right, getting enough exercise, strong self-esteem, and good mental health.

The focus was especially strong during “Heart Health Week,” which ran from February 10th to the 14th. From a Zumba class in the DDRC gym, to a lunchtime salad bar, to a workshop on emotional well-being, almost all aspects of personal health were covered. Click here to see images from the events.

February may be the shortest month of the year, but don’t let it pass you by! We encourage you to take advantage of this coming week to focus on your health (and if you share your successes with us, we might even put a heart on our tree for you!). Happy Heart Health Month!

What’s Your Resolution for 2014?

January 1st can be an exciting time to make changes, break habits, or try something new. However, according to Forbes Magazine, only 8% percent of people who make New Year’s Resolutions are successful in achieving them. This year, the DDRC has some ideas to help you make a resolution you can keep.

Get in shape: If personal health is your focus for 2014, challenge yourself by joining Team DDRC in the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon Charity Challenge. Walkers and runners can register for a variety of distances, anywhere from 5 to 50 kilometers! As a part of Team DDRC, you even have the option of taking your resolution to the next level by fundraising for the agency. For more information e-mail [email protected], or click here to register!

Volunteer: If you are looking for a way to use your spare time more effectively while giving back to the community, the DDRC has volunteer opportunities for you! Currently, we are seeking a facilitator for the everyone belongs™ Toastmasters Club. As the club’s past president, Marilyn Wilson, said “the more you do it, the better you will be.” For more information, click here.

Learn Something New: Are you a part of a group, class, or organization that could benefit from a disability awareness presentation? We have spoken to groups of all ages, covering a variety of topics that relate to living with a developmental disability. For more information, or to schedule a presentation with your group, e-mail [email protected].

Be a part of the 8%, and make a resolution you can keep!

Team DDRC runners feeling great after completing the 5k!
Team DDRC runners feeling great after completing the 5k!
Club members at the official charter party.
Toastmaters club members at the official charter party.