17th Annual Inclusion Awards
2013 Stampede Breakfast Photos
Inclusion Awards – Save the Date

Yahoo! Another fantastic Stampede Breakfast!
This year’s DDRC’s Stampede Breakfast was, as always, a Western feast for the senses, with sights, sounds and tastes to please even the most seasoned Stampede cowboy or cowgirl!
Over 700 people stopped by to see what the noise was all about (our non-stop country classics mix) and find the source of the delicious aroma of free pancakes, sausages and coffee.
A huge thanks to the Sarcee Plaza Starbucks, George Ross Caterers, and Tree of Life Canada for their donations to help feed our guests! We would also like to thank Roberto Villar of Thomas Fresh Inc. for their donation of delicious plums, providing a healthy option on top of our traditional fare.
For the third year in a row, the Killarney Recreation Centre line dancers put their best cowboy boots forward and showed the crowd how it is done. After the official line dancers departed, breakfasters were also treated to a surprise breakfast flashmob! Check out the video to see the spectacle!
We had several VIP sightings as the Stampede Queen, Princesses and Indian Princess came by and posed for photos with breakfasters. Also, back by popular demand, Terry the pony from Horses R Cool riding school was star of the breakfast again this year with
Diane Beaupre to assist him. This year he got dressed up in honour of the occasion with a braided mane, red boots and Stampede quarter marks: the Stampede Royalty even wanted a photo with him!
Did you or your child get your photo taken with Terry? Email us to find out how you can get a copy!
Thanks to the local businesses who donated to our E-newsletter sign-up draw:
Pho Express Vietnamese Restaurant
And congratulations to our winners:
Amy Widdowson
Adrienne Westlund
Shannon Pelletier
Kristine Romain
Carol & Doug Greenwood
Jennifer England
Holly Johnson
Thank you to all our guests for stopping by! We look forward to seeing you next year!