The 19th annual Inclusion Awards took place on September 25th, and were a huge success. Thank you to everyone who attended, the volunteers who gave their time to run the evening, and to all of our donors and sponsors!
Here is a list of this year’s award winners:
Awards for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Award of Excellence: Arts and Culture – Riley Sanesh
Award of Excellence: Career and Community – Trevor Warburton and Michael Hanna
Outstanding Self Advocate Award – Martin Bruns
Community Awards
Inclusive Education Award – Connaught Before-and-After School Program
Inclusive Employer Award – David Crutcher of Ramatek Inc.
Inclusive Community Award – YMCA Calgary
Corporate Spirit Award – Jeff Jaquish of Oxford Technologies Incorporated
Volunteer Spirit Award – Wensi Song
Good Neighbour Award – Teresa Stewart
Special Achievement Award – Denis Mercier
DDRC Staff Awards
Leadership Award – Cassandra Therens
Team Spirit Award – PACE Team
Agency Spirit Award – Hebert Turcios
everyone belongs™ Award – Ellen Toews Evans
Congratulations to all of the nominees and winners! Don’t forget to take a look at some of the evening’s highlights here.